Sara Tonolo

Professor International Law
Università di Trieste, Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e sociali
Sara Tonolo
Scientific Activity: 

International Law, Human Rights, Private International Law, Migration Law, Private international law and human rights: assessment of the compatibility of national rules with fundamental rights. Public policy exception problems. Religious rules, Islamic law and Human Rights. Evolution of filiation relationships in the international relations (surrogacy, stepchild adoption).

Recent Publications: 

1. La libertà matrimoniale della donna musulmana nel diritto internazionale privato italiano, in Scritti in ricordo di Alessandra Concaro, Milano, 2012, pp. 723 – 752.

2. The protection of persons with disabilities in private international law, Cuadernos de derecho transnacional, 2013, vol. 5, pp. 273-280.

3. Islamic Symbols in Europe: the European Court of Human Rights and the European Institutions, in Stato, Chiese e Pluralismo Confessionale, 2014,, n. 5/2014, pp. 1 – 28.

4. La famiglia transnazionale fra diritti di cittadinanza e diritti degli stranieri, in S. Amadeo, F. Spitaleri, Le garanzie fondamentali dell’immigrato in Europa,Torino, 2015.

5. Religious Values and Conflict of Laws, in Stato e Chiese, Pluralismo confessionale, 2016, pp. 1 – 29.

6. International Human Rights Law and the Protection of the Elderly in Europe, in "Medicine, Law & Society", 2018, pp. 107 - 139.