Dragan Umek

Researcher and Assistant Prof. Geography
Department of Humanities of the University of Trieste
Dragan Umek
Scientific Activity: 

Researcher and lecturer at the Department of Humanities of the University of Trieste (Italy) where he teaches Geography. His interest centres on historical cartography, human and cultural geography with particular regard to the Balkans. In the past he studied the process of "return and relocation" of refugees in the former Yugoslavia and more recently has focused his research on the dynamics of migration flows along the "Balkan route" and the widespread hospitality for asylum seekers and refugees in Italy.

Recent Publications: 
  • Santić D., Minca C., Umek D., The Balkan Migration Route: Reflections from a Serbian Observatory, in “Towards Understanding of Contemporary Migration. Causes, Consequences, Policies, Reflections”, Institute for Sociological Research, M. Bobić and S. Janković ed., Belgrade, 2017.
  • Umek D., Santić D., Minca C., The Camp as a Border: The Case of Preševo (Serbia), in “Mediterranean Mobilities. Europe changing relationships. Crisis, encounters, change”. Springer, M. Paradiso ed., 2017.